SIP Performance of Equity & Hybrid Schemes

(as on February 28, 2025)

SIP Performance of Equity & Hybrid Schemes

(as on February 28, 2025)
February 2025

February 2025

If investor had invested ₹ 10,000 on the first working day of every month. The valuations that are mentioned as on February 28, 2025

Past performance may or may not be sustained in future and is not a guarantee of future returns and should not be used as a basis of comparison with other investments. Returns do not take into account the load and taxes, if any. Different plans shall have a different expense structure. The above data assumes investments in Growth option for distributor/regular plan.
Where returns are not available for a particular period, they have not been shown.
*% CAGR Returns are computed after accounting for the cash flow by using the XIRR method.
For further details on Click here for performance of the schemes and performance of other schemes managed by the Fund Manager. Please note TRI indicates Total Return Index.