Baroda BNP Paribas Banking and PSU Bond Fund
(An open ended debt scheme predominantly investing
in debt instruments of banks, Public Sector Undertakings,
Public Financial Institutions and Municipal Bonds.
A relatively High Interest Rate Risk and Moderate Credit Risk scheme)
Baroda BNP Paribas Banking and PSU Bond Fund
(An open ended debt scheme predominantly investing
in debt instruments of banks, Public Sector Undertakings,
Public Financial Institutions and Municipal Bonds.
A relatively High Interest Rate Risk and Moderate Credit Risk scheme)

Investment Objective

The scheme seeks to provide regular income through a portfolio of debt and money market instruments consisting predominantly of securities issued by entities such as Banks, Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs), Public Financial Institutions and Municipal Bonds. However, there can be no assurance that the investment objectives of the Scheme will be realized. The Scheme does not guarantee/indicate any returns.

NAV Details ( As On February 28, 2023 )

Regular Plan - Growth Option : ₹ 10.61
Regular Plan - Monthly IDCW Option : ₹ 10.05
Regular Plan - Quarterly IDCW Option : ₹ 10.16
Direct Plan - Growth Option : ₹ 10.71
Direct Plan - Monthly IDCW Option : ₹ 10.07
Direct Plan - Quarterly IDCW Option : ₹ 10.10

Benchmark Index (Tier 1)

CRISIL Banking and PSU Debt Index

Date of Allotment

December 17, 2020

Fund Managerμ
Fund Manager Managing fund since Experience
Prashant Pimple 21-Oct-22 16 years
Mayank Prakash 14-Mar-22 15 years

μ Dedicated Fund Manager for Overseas Investments: Mr. Shreekiran Rao (managing fund since December 01, 2022)

Load Structure

Entry Load Not Applicable
Exit Load: Nil

Lumpsum details

Minimum Application Amount:
₹ 5,000 and in multiples of ₹ 1 thereafter.
Minimum Additional Application Amount:
₹ 1,000 and in multiples of ₹ 1 thereafter.

SIP details

Minimum Application Amount:
(i) Daily, Weekly, Monthly SIP: ₹ 500/- and in multiples of ₹ 1/- thereafter;
(ii) Quarterly SIP: ₹ 1500/- and in multiples of ₹ 1/- thereafter. There is no upper limit
Frequency Available: Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Quarterly

Monthly AAUM## As On February 28, 2023 : ₹ 40.85 Crores
AUM## As On February 28, 2023: ₹ 40.74 Crores

## excluding inter-scheme Investments, if any, by other schemes of BNP Paribas Mutual Fund, as may be applicable

FIXED INCOME HOLDINGS Rating % of Net Assets
Corporate Debt 71.65%
National Housing Bank CRISIL AAA 8.48%
Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. CRISIL AAA 8.42%
Small Industries Development Bank of India [ICRA]AAA 7.34%
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development CRISIL AAA 7.27%
Power Finance Corporation Ltd. CRISIL AAA 6.26%
ICICI Bank Ltd. [ICRA]AAA 6.20%
Torrent Power Ltd. CRISIL AA+ 5.97%
Axis Bank Ltd. CRISIL AAA 4.97%
State Bank of India( Tier II Bond under Basel III ) CRISIL AAA 4.70%
Indian Railway Finance Corporation Ltd. CRISIL AAA 2.44%
Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd. CRISIL AAA 1.21%
Government Securities 12.22%
GOI FRB 7.42 22.09.2033 GOV SOVEREIGN 12.22%
Money Market Instruments 12.60%
Export-Import Bank of India CRISIL A1+ 7.11%
TREPS/Reverse Repo 5.49%
Total Fixed Income Holdings 96.47%
Net Receivables / (Payables) 3.53%

Investment in Top 10 scrips constitutes 77.66% of the portfolio

For Scheme Performance please click here

Pursuant to distribution under Income Distribution cum Capital Withdrawal (‘IDCW’) option, NAV of the IDCW option of the scheme(s) would fall to the extent of payout and statutory levy (if applicable). The amounts under IDCW options can be distributed out of investors capital (Equalization Reserve), which is part of sale price that represents realized gains. Past performance may or may not be sustained in future. The above stated distribution rate per unit is net distribution rate after deducting applicable taxes. The above distribution rates are on face value of ₹ 10 per unit.

TER - Regular Plan (%) 0.79
TER - Direct Plan (%) 0.39
Average Maturity (years) 3.2
Modified Duration (years) 1.55
YTM (%) 7.68
Macaulay Duration† (years) 1.67

* The information contained in this report has been obtained from sources considered to be authentic and reliable. The quantitative data does not purport to be an offer for purchase and sale of mutual fund units.
†Concept of Macaulay duration: The Macaulay Duration is a measure of a bond’s sensitivity to interest rate changes. It is expressed in annual terms. It is the weighted average term to maturity of the cash flows from a bond. The weight of each cash flow is determined by dividing the present value of the cash flow by the price. Factors like a bond’s price, maturity, coupon, yield to maturity among others impact the calculation of Macaulay duration.

Click here for Product label, Scheme riskometer and Benchmark riskometer.
Click here For Scheme wise Potential Risk Class (PRC) matrix.

Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully.